Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
Unearthly is one of the books I selected as a part of the Debut Author's Challenge I am participating in. The other day I had a student ask me if I had a copy of Unearthly and I pulled it out of my bag to show him that I had just started to read it. He then told me he is related to the author. How cool is that! I was so glad I already had a copy in the library. (I was actually pretty proud I did since this is a new release and had not been out long. Thank you Story Siren for running this challenge and making me aware of the debut YA books that are out!)
I just finished the book and I loved it, but at the same time I am disappointed that I am done. I would say this is the sign of a good book. I can't stop thinking of the characters and I want more! I found out from a little research that another book comes out next year- now I just have to find some patience.
Unearthly is the story of an angel-blood named Clara. Clara is only 1/4 angel and to most of the world just seems like a normal teenager. When Clara is 16 she starts have a recurring dream or vision of a forest fire and a boy that she has to save. She discovers that this is a part of her "purpose" as an angel and that her family must move to Wyomng for her to fulfill that purpose. In Wyoming she meets the boy from her visions as well as another guy- the brother of her best friend. As Clara learns more about both Christian, the boy from the visons, Tucker, the best friend's twin brother, and about the angel world, life gets more and more confusing for her.
This fantasy, romantic, thriller is a real page turner. I loved the characters and found them to be very real and believable. I enjoyed the angel story line that Cynthia Hand created and found it to be very plasuible within the story. My only disappointment with the book is that I am not ready to leave Clara, Christian, Tucker and Jeffrey, Clara's brother, behind. I hope that future books will continue the Clara story but focus more on Jeffrey and Clara's mother too.
I highly recommend Unearthly and look forward to booktalking this at school.
Official Trailer by Harper Teen
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